Teachers: Learning Success Can Lie in the Meaningful Use of Technology

Ongoing discussions focus on what changes can be made to enhance students' learning outcomes. Elementary school teachers who have been integrating various computer science practices for several years now, report that positive changes in enhancing children's learning outcomes can be achieved through the use of technology in education.

8/8/20233 min read

Computer Science Helps Develop Children's Creativity And Logical Thinking

Elementary school teachers who integrate practices of artificial intelligence, 3D modeling, or programming into their lessons report that these technologies contribute to improved learning outcomes and the development of essential skills.

After beginning with basic creative tasks like animating a plant's life cycle or programming the movement of a caterpillar in an application, Neringa, a teacher at a progymnasium, shares that her students now create independent animation projects. "We conducted a test with questions from topics we learned using various computer science tools - all the students who participated in lessons where we applied computer science practices answered the questions correctly. I wish we could teach everything through games as technological creativity helps absorb information better. I noticed that students participating in extra-curricular groups working on more complex computer science projects also demonstrate better math results, their grades improved by 20%," the teacher emphasizes positive changes.

However, technological creativity not only improves academic results but also nurtures children's creativity. According to Ilona, a teacher at Vilnius Gerosios Vilties progymnasium, various computer science practices foster the ability to work in teams, share, and learn from mistakes. "Children learn to seek solutions to achieve goals, they are not afraid to make mistakes. Computer science can be integrated into practically all subjects, so children unconsciously learn several subjects at once," the teacher shares.

This sentiment is echoed by Grazina, a teacher at Ateitis progymnasium. "Applying practices of artificial intelligence, programming, animation, or 3D modeling makes teaching and learning much more interesting, students absorb the material more easily".

Technology aids teaching children with special needs

In the education process, teachers encounter various students with vastly different learning paces and abilities. Therefore, when working with students with special education needs, computer science tools become highly effective. Teacher Ilona explains that technology, first and foremost, helps children with special needs learn to read more easily, which is undoubtedly a crucial skill for their further education. Airina, a teacher at Klaipėda Sendvaris progymnasium, also noted the positive impact of integrated computer science on students with special needs. "Children with special education needs, who quickly grasp computer science tools, also master programs faster."

Nevertheless, teachers emphasize not to forget that creative use of technology in the learning process is highly beneficial for all children. "I conducted a research on this topic, and the results did not surprise me at all – nowadays children are oriented towards technology, they cannot imagine life without it, and our task is to teach them to use it meaningfully and effectively. There should be more of such lessons for beginners," shares Ilona Jucienė, a teacher at Vilnius Gerosios Vilties progymnasium.

Elementary School Teacher Neringa: "I have noticed that students participating in extra-curricular groups working on more complex computer science projects also demonstrate better math results, their grades improved by 20%"

Elementary School Teacher Ilona: "Computer science can be integrated into practically all subjects, so children unconsciously learn several subjects at once"

Preparation for future-proof skills includes computer science

Monika Katkute, the Founder and CEO of Teachers Lead Tech, asserts that creative application of computer science enhances a more motivated generation of students. "By creatively integrating computer science into the educational process, we aim to prepare children from a young age for professions that do not yet exist. Technology acts as a catalyst, enabling students to enhance their critical thinking, creativity, and logical reasoning skills. These skills are useful in any subject and are directly related to improved results," explains the leader of Teachers Lead Tech.

Monika Katkute further emphasizes that students' success undoubtedly depends on teachers' motivation and enthusiasm. "Motivated teachers who utilize technology, create engaging content, and teach effectively can ignite students' curiosity toward technology, leading to tangible learning outcomes. We have stories of teachers where children struggle to solve a math problem on paper, but creatively using technology and presenting the task in a visual technological tool, solving the math problem through programming becomes achievable. Purposeful use of technology becomes the key to unlocking other subjects and improving results."

Monika Katkute, the Founder of Teachers Lead Tech: "Technology acts as a catalyst, enabling students to enhance their critical thinking, creativity, and logical reasoning skills." Photo of bitbyte.lt